All containers can be created in C++ or angelscript. The angelscript side is more convenient.
C++ side quirks
- All containers are registered with angelscript as ref types
- They must be created with new and deleted with container->refcount_Release()
- Tempspec'd containers use real C++ types and are actually nice to use unlike...
- Templated containers support all types and thus their interface is full of voidpointers.
- Templated containers internally store each item in an aatc::common::primunion to avoid different allocation code
- If the content is object or handle, primunion.ptr is a void* which points at the object
- AATC containers hold their native container in my_aatc_container.container
- The native container should be used for iteration, the AATC container's functions should be used for everything else
Angelscript side quirks
- You must be careful when passing around containers to avoid accidental copies of entire containers
- "Container@" will not copy
- "Container &in" would copy, but doesn't even compile (because containers' opAssign and copy constructor are registered to take a handle)
- "Container &out" will copy
- "Container &inout" will not copy
Example of creating a vector<int> in C++ then passing it to angelscript:
#include "aatc_container_vector.hpp"
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
asIScriptFunction* scriptfunc = my_module->GetFunctionByName("angelscript_function_who_wants_a_vector");
context->SetArgAddress(0, cont);
void angelscript_function_who_wants_a_vector(vector<int>@ cont){
for(auto it = cont.begin();it++;){
Print("value = " + it.value);
value = 0
value = 1
value = 2
value = 3
Example of creating a map<int,int> in C++ then passing it to angelscript:
#include "aatc_container_map.hpp"
asITypeInfo* tinfo = my_engine->GetTypeInfoByDecl("map<int,int>");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int key = i;
int value = 100 + i;
cont->insert(&key, &value);
asIScriptFunction* scriptfunc = my_module->GetFunctionByName("angelscript_function_who_wants_a_map");
context->SetArgAddress(0, cont);
void angelscript_function_who_wants_a_map(map<int,int>@ cont){
for(auto it = cont.begin();it++;){
Print("key = " + it.key + " value = " + it.value);
key = 0 value = 100
key = 1 value = 101
key = 2 value = 102
key = 3 value = 103
Example of creating a vector<int> in angelscript then passing it to C++:
#include "aatc_container_vector.hpp"
MySuperPrint("size = " + cont->size());
for(int v : cont->container){
MySuperPrint("value = " + v);
engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void cpp_read_vector(vector<int>@)", asFUNCTION(cpp_read_vector), asCALL_CDECL);
void my_scriptmain(){
vector<int> cont;
for(int i=0; i<5;i++){
size = 5
value = 0
value = 1
value = 2
value = 3
value = 4
Example of creating a map<int,int> in angelscript then passing it to C++ and iterating the map in C++:
#include "aatc_container_map.hpp"
MySuperPrint("size = " + cont->size());
for(aatc::common::primunion_pair const& pup : cont.container){
MySuperPrint("key = " + pup.first.i32 + " value = " + pup.second.i32);
engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void cpp_read_map(map<int,int> &inout)", asFUNCTION(cpp_read_map), asCALL_CDECL);
void my_scriptmain(){
map<int,int> cont;
for(int i=0; i<5;i++){
cont.insert(i,100 + i);
size = 5
key = 0 value = 100
key = 1 value = 101
key = 2 value = 102
key = 3 value = 103
key = 4 value = 104
Example of creating a map<string,string> in angelscript then passing it to C++ and iterating the map in C++:
#include "aatc_container_map.hpp"
MySuperPrint("size = " + cont->size());
for(aatc::common::primunion_pair const& pup : cont.container){
std::string* key = (std::string*)pup.first.ptr;
std::string* value = (std::string*)pup.second.ptr;
MySuperPrint("key = " + *key + " value = " + *value);
engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void cpp_read_map(map<string,string> &inout)", asFUNCTION(cpp_read_map), asCALL_CDECL);
void my_scriptmain(){
map<string,string> cont;
for(int i=0; i<5;i++){
cont.insert("s" + i,"ss" + 100 + i);
size = 5
key = s0 value = ss100
key = s1 value = ss101
key = s2 value = ss102
key = s3 value = ss103
key = s4 value = ss104